Teaching is Moving Online; What About K-12 School District Administration?

2020 will certainly be remembered for the coronavirus pandemic but in K-12 education, it will also be remembered as the year online learning was implemented for nearly all students in a very short period of time. Teachers are learning on the fly how to engage children in new ways and provide effective lessons across digital Continue reading

Design Professional Documents that Integrate with Your Processes

A professional organization’s documentation should have branding consistency complimentary to the business workflow. Whether they’re purchase orders, invoices, pick-lists, reports or checks they are brand ambassadors for the organization, and they need to contain information that fits perfectly into the business’ processes. Bottomline Technologies’ Transform Designer and Transform Server are two programs that work in Continue reading

Microsoft SharePoint: Weighing in on the Advantages and Gaps

If you value the advantages that an Enterprise Content Management (ECM) solution affords an organization, and are interested in purchasing or expanding Microsoft SharePoint to fill that need, you should become familiar with SharePoint’s ECM strategy merits and limitations. SharePoint can provide a solid foundation for your ECM solution, but it requires additional functionality to Continue reading

Cloud ECM

ECM On-Premises or In the Cloud? Here’s What You Need to Consider

Whether an enterprise content management (ECM) solution is deployed on-premises or in the cloud, ECM system users expect comparable functionality, power, and performance from either computing environment. To be relevant in today’s market, ECM solution vendors and their products must have the flexibility to operate in either space. Which environment is right for you? Often Continue reading

How Content Management Solutions Ensure Records Retention Compliance

For too many organizations, “records retention” means storing paper documents and files in boxes in the office basement, or at an offsite storage facility. Managing paper records is extremely time consuming and arduous, so the default policy is to “save everything until we run out of space.” Today, technology presents a more practical and effective Continue reading