Efficiently run organizations react to environmental challenges like a still pool receiving a rock thrown into the middle: perfectly without an over or under reaction. Workflow technology can help organizations react like the pool by defining reactions to outside stimuli. A workflow is a business process that includes a chain of corresponding actions from different Continue reading
Output Management
Is SharePoint Enough for All Your Document Management Needs? 7 Benefits of Enhancing SharePoint with Content360°
SharePoint was first introduced in 2001, and since then has established itself as one of the premier collaboration and content management platforms available on the market. A 2011 study revealed that 78% of Fortune 500 companies were using SharePoint in some capacity. The benefits aren’t limited to the largest companies, however. Small and midsized businesses Continue reading

Stop Sifting Through Documents & Files: Focus On Your High-Value Tasks
No matter what you do, you probably have to deal with a colossal number of routine tasks that distract you from what’s really important in your business. This is true in all professions, from artists to police officers to chefs. And for anyone working in an office, it is a fact of life.